Results: 168

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Creator: Münchhausen, Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von
Publication year: 1895
Shelfmark: 2005-5860
Publication year: 1895
Place of publication: Esslingen
Shelfmark: 1004-5343
Creator: Godin, AmélieZick, Alexander
Publication year: 1895
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: 2005-2863
Creator: Lhotzky, HeinrichRichter, Ludwig
Publication year: 1895
Place of publication: Berlin-Westend
Shelfmark: 2005-5116
Creator: Caldecott, Randolph
Publication year: 1895
Place of publication: London
Shelfmark: 2005-9837
Publication year: 1895
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: 1007-3593
Creator: Crane, Walter
Publication year: 1895
Place of publication: London, Paris, Melbourne
Shelfmark: 2006-0088
Creator: Crane, Walter
Publication year: 1895
Place of publication: London, New York
Shelfmark: 2006-0075
Creator: von Schmid, Christoph
Publication year: [1895]
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: H/S 493050
Creator: Crane, Walter
Publication year: 1895
Place of publication: London, New York
Shelfmark: 2006-0101

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