Results: 133

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Creator: Fröhlich, Anton
Publication year: ca. 1840
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: H/S 114250
Publication year: [1840]
Place of publication: Wesel
Shelfmark: H/M 301600
Creator: Köhler, Friedrich
Publication year: 1840
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: H/M 115950
Creator: Köhler, Friedrich
Publication year: 1840
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: H/M 115850
Creator: Schmitt, D.
Publication year: [ca. 1840]
Place of publication: Mainz
Shelfmark: H/kl8M 215550
Publication year: 1840
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: H/kl8M 99275
Creator: Köhler, Friedrich
Publication year: 1840
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: H/M 115900
Creator: Neumann, Georg
Publication year: [ca. 1840]
Place of publication: Nürnberg
Shelfmark: H/M 171100
Creator: Gebauer, August
Publication year: 1840
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: H/M 3600
Creator: Musäus, Johann Karl AugustJacobs, FriedrichHosemann, Theodor
Publication year: 18391840
Place of publication: Halle
Number of volumes: 2

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