Results: 101

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Creator: Schwab, GustavKlee, Gotthold
Publication year: 1898
Place of publication: Gütersloh [u.a.]
Shelfmark: H/D 398.2 SCHWAs-99H/D 92
Creator: Funke, Carl Philipp
Publication year: 1813
Place of publication: Wien
Shelfmark: H/M 21050
Creator: Menzel, Karl AdolfBecker, Karl Friedrich
Publication year: 1825
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: B XIII, 291-12 R
Creator: Voltz, Johann MichaelFleischmann, Friedrich
Publication year: 1821
Place of publication: Nürnberg
Shelfmark: B VIII, 24789-2 R
Creator: Grube, August W.
Publication year: 1876
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: H/S 340700
Creator: Schlez, Johann Ferdinand
Publication year: 1821
Place of publication: Gießen
Shelfmark: 53 MA 501645-1 R
Creator: Campe, Joachim Heinrich
Publication year: 1807
Place of publication: Braunschweig
Shelfmark: B IX 2, 244 <a> - 15/16 R
Creator: Campe, Joachim Heinrich
Publication year: 1807
Place of publication: Braunschweig
Shelfmark: B IX 2, 244<a>-15/16 R
Creator: Campe, Joachim HeinrichWilson, Henry
Publication year: 1830
Place of publication: Braunschweig
Shelfmark: B IX 2, 301-17-28 R
Title: Kapitän Wilson's Schiffbruch bei den Pelju-Inseln
Creator: Houwald, Ernst, von
Publication year: 1829
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: B IX 1, 172-1 R

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