Results: 47

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Creator: Dicke, L.Beumer, Philipp Jakob
Publication year: 1855
Place of publication: Wesel
Shelfmark: B IX 1, 876 R
Creator: Rollenhagen, GeorgBlüthgen, VictorFlinzer, Fedor
Publication year: 1880
Place of publication: Frankfurt am Mai
Shelfmark: 19 ZZ 1802
Creator: Blanchard, Marc-Antoine
Publication year: 1856
Place of publication: Pesth
Shelfmark: 53 MA 502224 R
Title: Erzählungen und Geschichten zur Unterhaltung und Herzensbildung der Jugend
Creator: Defoe, DanielHöcker, OskarSchäfer, Maximilian
Publication year: 1899
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: 19 ZZ 329
Creator: Defoe, DanielBöttger, CarlHeubner, Otto Leonhard
Publication year: 1859
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: B VIII, 2139<3> R
Creator: Hermann, G.
Publication year: 1878
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: B VIII, 6893
Creator: Campe, Joachim Heinrich
Publication year: 1880
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: 19 ZZ 221
Creator: Busch, Wilhelm
Publication year: 1910
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: 19 ZZ 206
Creator: Wulff, Margarethe
Publication year: 1865
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: B VIII, 13410
Creator: Farnow, Eduard
Publication year: 1834
Place of publication: Reutlingen
Shelfmark: B VIII, 12097 R

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