Results: 220

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Creator: Niemeyer, Georg Friedrich
Publication year: 1809
Place of publication: Franckfurt am Mayn
Shelfmark: 53 MA 503595 R
Creator: Etzler, Carl Friedrich
Publication year: 1802
Place of publication: Breslau
Shelfmark: B XXIV, 523 R
Creator: Hoffmann, Kitty
Publication year: 1824
Place of publication: Kaschau
Shelfmark: B XVII 4a, 72 R
Creator: Böttiger, Karl WilhelmHeyder, CarlGoldwitzer, Franz Wenceslaus
Publication year: 1826
Place of publication: Erlangen
Shelfmark: B XIII, 855 R
Creator: Straus, CarlLuck, Johann Peter CarlHerbig, Wilhelm
Publication year: 1832
Place of publication: Hamburg
Shelfmark: 19 ZZ 1311
Creator: Bergen, FritzDickens, CharlesWolff, Emil
Publication year: [ca. 1885]
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: H/S 240550
Creator: Hoffmann, AntonPorsche, Otto MariaConscience, Hendrik
Publication year: [1898]
Place of publication: München
Shelfmark: H/4S 273000
Creator: Kiefer, F. J.
Publication year: 1870
Place of publication: Mainz
Shelfmark: H/S 140750
Creator: Döring, Carl August
Publication year: 1842
Place of publication: [S.l.]
Shelfmark: H/M 192400
Creator: Fenimore Cooper, JamesTreuberg, Ernst
Publication year: 1900
Place of publication: Fürth i.B.
Shelfmark: H/D COO-73/9621 D

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