Results: 17

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Creator: Andersen, Hans Christian
Publication year: 1847
Place of publication: Leipzig
Number of volumes: 3
Title: Gesammelte Märchen
Creator: Andersen, Hans ChristianReuscher, JuliusHosemann, Theodor
Publication year: 1845
Place of publication: Berlin
Number of volumes: 3
Title: H. C. Andersen's Märchen
Creator: Ambros, JosefAndersen, Hans Christian
Place of publication: Wien
Number of volumes: 1
Title: Andersens Märchen
Creator: Aue, Roland in der
Place of publication: Nürnberg
Number of volumes: 1
Title: Märchen- und Sagen-Schatz
Creator: Brentano, Clemens
Place of publication: Leipzig
Number of volumes: 2
Title: Märchen
Creator: Andersen, Hans ChristianJonas, Emil Jacob
Publication year: 1879
Place of publication: Berlin
Number of volumes: 2
Title: Andersen's neueste Märchen und Geschichten
Creator: Gebeschus, Ida
Publication year: 1897
Place of publication: Berlin
Number of volumes: 2
Title: Nordische Märchen und Sagen für kleine und grosse Kinder

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