Results: 24

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Publication year: 1855
Place of publication: Zürich
Shelfmark: B II, 172-1 R
Creator: von Schubert, Gotthilf HeinrichBergen, FritzSchlegel, B.
Publication year: [1894]
Place of publication: Stuttgart [u.a.]
Shelfmark: H/S 241350
Creator: Wagner, ErdmannLobedanz, EdmundAndersen, Hans Christian
Publication year: 1884
Place of publication: Leipzig ; Berlin
Shelfmark: H/S 380500
Title: Dreißig auserlesene Märchen
Creator: Swift, Jonathan
Publication year: [1884]
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: H/S 405050
Creator: Leudner, JosephBauberger, Wilhelm
Publication year: 1870
Place of publication: Regensburg
Shelfmark: H/D BAU-65/1378 D
Creator: Grimm, Jacob
Publication year: [ca. 1890]
Place of publication: Neu-Ruppin
Shelfmark: H/S 389200
Title: Grimm's Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Creator: Hillert, AdolphGeyger, A.
Publication year: 1841
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: 53 MA 502830 R
Creator: Brentano, Clemens
Publication year: [ca. 1900]
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: H/S 210850
Title: Märchen
Creator: Spamer, Otto
Publication year: 1882
Place of publication: Leipzig [u.a.]
Shelfmark: H/S 21275
Creator: Grimm, JacobGrimm, Wilhelm
Publication year: [1897]
Place of publication: Nürnberg
Shelfmark: H/M 297700
Title: Der Froschkönig und andere Märchen

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