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Creator: Blesi, HedwigMüller, Louise
Publication year: [1901]
Place of publication: Zürich
Shelfmark: ZS180N8
Title: Erzählungen und Märchen in Schweizermundart
Creator: Ille, Marie
Publication year: [1904]
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: ZS172Q2
Creator: Hohneck, MariaPlanck, WillyZweigle, Walter
Publication year: [1908?]
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: ZS170E0
Title: H. Chr. Andersens Märchen
Creator: Wildermuth, OttilieWulff, Max
Publication year: [1910]
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: H/M 251850
Creator: Haas, Alfred
Publication year: 1891
Place of publication: Greifswald
Shelfmark: H/D 398.2 HAAr-84/8377 D
Title: Rügensche Sagen und Märchen
Creator: Wildermuth, OttilieKlimsch, Eugen
Publication year: [1909]
Place of publication: Stuttgart [u.a.]
Shelfmark: H/M 251450
Creator: Berbig, C.Berbig, M.
Publication year: [1900]
Place of publication: Gotha
Shelfmark: H/M 61350
Creator: Berger, Otto
Publication year: [1890?]
Place of publication: Reutlingen
Shelfmark: ZS172 S0
Title: Die schönsten Märchen aus tausend und eine Nacht
Creator: Claudius, WilhelmMüllner, Karl
Publication year: [1911]
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: ZS180X6
Creator: Jessen, Asmus ChristianHeller, Seligmann
Publication year: [1877?]
Place of publication: Wien
Shelfmark: ZS175 C2

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