Results: 267

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Creator: From, B.
Publication year: 1894
Place of publication: Zürich
Shelfmark: H/CH Fro-61/5915 CH
Creator: Seckendorff, StephanieBauberger, Wilhelm
Publication year: 1860
Place of publication: Augsburg
Shelfmark: B III a, 667 R
Creator: Schaukal, Richard, vonLiebenwein, Maximilian
Publication year: 1913
Place of publication: [Wien
Shelfmark: B III a, 1736 R
Creator: Frommel, Emil
Publication year: 1899
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: H/M 72100
Creator: Braun, Hedwig
Publication year: 1880
Place of publication: Breslau
Shelfmark: H/D Bra-63/1455 D
Title: Aus dem Leben
Creator: Laddey, EmmaGrote, Carl
Publication year: [1872]
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: H/M 120350
Title: Aus dem Familienleben
Creator: Campe, Joachim Heinrich
Publication year: 1804
Place of publication: Braunschweig
Shelfmark: B XIV, 522 R
Creator: Glatz, JakobPenzel, Johann Georg
Publication year: 1807
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: B VIII, 11564-1 R
Creator: Breitenbauch, Georg August, vonBruder, Friedrich
Publication year: 1808
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: B XIII, 446-2 R
Title: Welche die Lebensbeschreibungen der Griechischen Weltweisen, Dichter und Künstler, und andere die Gelehrten-Geschichte erläuternde Auffsätze enthält
Creator: Siebenstern, Alban
Publication year: 1886
Place of publication: Regensburg
Shelfmark: H/S 498450

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