Results: 159

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Collection: colibri

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Creator: Domschke, Peter Cornelius
Publication year: [1887]
Place of publication: [Wesel]
Shelfmark: H/4M 51700
Title: Tupf's Leben und Abenteuer
Creator: Stolterfoth, Adelheid vonRethel, AlfredDielmann, Jakob Fürchtegott
Publication year: 1835
Place of publication: Frankfurt a/M.
Shelfmark: H/4M 205400
Creator: Schäfer, WilhelmBaudissin, Sophie von
Publication year: [1872]
Place of publication: Neu-Ruppin
Shelfmark: H/M 17550
Creator: Michael, C.Bawr, Alexandrine-Sophie de Goury de Champgrand
Publication year: 1880
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: H/D BAW-69/3578 D
Creator: Koch, A.
Publication year: 1825
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: H/M 114300
Title: Neue Bilderschule, oder interessante Erzählungen aus der Geschichte der Kunst und des Menschenlebens, unter verschiedenen Himmelsstrichen
Publication year: 1844
Place of publication: Bonn
Shelfmark: H/M 223050
Creator: Augusti, BrigitteKleinmichel, Julius
Publication year: 1888
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: H/M 13900
Creator: Calm, Marie
Publication year: 1892
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: H/D 177 CALb-67/2962 D
Title: Ein Blick ins Leben
Creator: GrandvilleDiezmann, August
Publication year: 1846
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: H/4S 95075
Title: Grandville's Bilder aus dem Staats- und Familienleben der Thiere

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