Results: 126

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Creator: Wagner, ErdmannLobedanz, EdmundAndersen, Hans Christian
Publication year: 1887
Place of publication: Leipzig ; Berlin
Shelfmark: H/S 380500
Creator: Orelli, F.
Publication year: [1850]
Place of publication: Halle [u.a.]
Shelfmark: H/kl8M 177000
Title: Kleine Jugendbibliothek
Creator: Gumpert, Thekla von
Publication year: [1872]
Place of publication: Glogau
Shelfmark: H/M 81350
Creator: von Schmid, Christoph
Publication year: 1883
Place of publication: München
Shelfmark: H/D SCHMI-63/1452 D
Creator: Lausch, ErnstGehrts, Karl
Publication year: [ca. 1890]
Place of publication: Bremen
Shelfmark: H/M 121600
Title: Der kleine Nußknacker
Creator: Lange, WilhelmHarte, Bret
Publication year: [ca. 1900]
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: H/S 220000
Creator: Wagner, ErdmannLobedanz, EdmundAndersen, Hans Christian
Publication year: 1884
Place of publication: Leipzig ; Berlin
Shelfmark: H/S 380500
Creator: Schubert, Gotthilf Heinrich, von
Publication year: 1852
Place of publication: Erlangen
Shelfmark: B VIII, 5382-2 R
Title: Kleine Erzählungen für die Jugend
Creator: Löhr, Johann Andreas ChristianVilmar, August Friedrich Christian
Publication year: 1881
Place of publication: Marburg
Shelfmark: 19 ZZ 1682-1
Title: Kleine Plaudereien für Kinder, welche sich im Lesen üben wollen
Creator: Gerstäcker, Friedrich
Publication year: 1860
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: 53 MA 507852-5 R

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