Results: 262

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Creator: Campe, Joachim Heinrich
Publication year: 1804
Place of publication: Frankfurt [u.a.]
Shelfmark: H/M 192550
Creator: Pajeken, Friedrich J.
Publication year: [1894]
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: H/S 222100
Creator: Hey, WilhelmSpeckter, Otto
Publication year: [ca. 1865]
Place of publication: Gotha
Shelfmark: H/S 86950
Title: Funfzig Fabeln für Kinder
Creator: von Campe, F. O.Schlitt, Heinrich
Publication year: [1881]
Place of publication: Hameln
Shelfmark: H/S 266250
Creator: Pichler, LuiseKaiser, Heinrich V.
Publication year: 1892
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: H/D PICH-71/2778 D
Creator: Drenkhahn, F.
Publication year: [ca. 1870]
Place of publication: Wesel
Shelfmark: H/S 83125
Creator: Hosemann, TheodorEschenbach, Olga
Publication year: [ca. 1860]
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: H/M 56500
Creator: Spangenberg, August Gottlieb
Publication year: 1801
Place of publication: Barby
Shelfmark: H/M 195010
Title: Einige Reden an die Kinder, gehalten in Herrnhut
Creator: von Schmid, Christoph
Publication year: [1890]
Place of publication: München
Shelfmark: H/S 492750
Creator: Pletsch, Oscar
Publication year: [1870]
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: H/4M 182450

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