Results: 584

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Creator: Arndt, PaulKlimsch, EugenBufetti, E.
Publication year: [1899]
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: H/M 135900
Creator: Liliencron, Detlev von
Publication year: 1899
Place of publication: Berlin, Leipzig
Shelfmark: H/D LIL-64/1871 D
Creator: Jacoby, Beate
Publication year: [1904]
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: ZS185 X4
Creator: Schäfer, WilhelmAimard, GustaveHöcker, Paul Oskar
Publication year: 1902
Place of publication: Wesel
Shelfmark: ZS170 F3
Creator: Schwab; Schwab, Gustav; GustavKlee, Gotthold
Publication year: 1873
Place of publication: Gütersloh
Shelfmark: H/S 475150
Creator: Rothenberg, J.Hosang, Ernst
Publication year: [ca. 1895]
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: H/D ROTt-2004H/D 24
Creator: Fahrenkrug, H.Schäfer, W.
Publication year: 1897
Place of publication: Wesel
Shelfmark: H/D FAH-79/1 D
Creator: Campe, Joachim HeinrichOffterdinger, Carl
Publication year: [1887]
Place of publication: Stuttgart [u.a.]
Shelfmark: H/4S 285250
Creator: Arndt, PaulClaudius, Wilhelm
Publication year: [1900]
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: H/M 12950
Creator: Linder, August
Publication year: [1910?]
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: ZS178U7

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