Results: 348

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Creator: Wimmer, Franz
Publication year: 1837
Place of publication: Wien
Shelfmark: H/M 253100
Creator: Rosegger, Peter
Publication year: [1900]
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: H/M 200100
Creator: Spamer, Otto
Publication year: 1873
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: H/S 16600
Creator: Thalheim, Louise
Publication year: 1859
Place of publication: Breslau
Shelfmark: 53 BA 501351 R
Creator: Jäde, HeinrichJaede, Franz
Publication year: 1847
Place of publication: Weimar
Shelfmark: 53 BA 500637 R
Creator: Steub, Fritz
Publication year: 1874
Place of publication: München
Shelfmark: B III b, 2934
Publication year: 1895
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: B III b, 2702 R
Publication year: 1850
Place of publication: [s.l.]
Shelfmark: B III b, 2606 R
Title: Die Geschichte vom Haselnußstrauch
Creator: Hoffmann, Heinrich
Publication year: 1885
Place of publication: Frankfurt a. M.
Shelfmark: B III b, 800<141> R
Title: Der Struwwelpeter oder, lustige Geschichten und drollige Bilder für Kinder von 3-6 Jahren
Creator: Reinhardt, Carl
Publication year: 1878
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: B III b, 2317 R

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