Results: 143

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Creator: Buthmann, Joachim M.Speckter, Otto
Publication year: [1835]
Place of publication: Hamburg
Shelfmark: H/M 31950
Publication year: 1854
Place of publication: Augsburg
Shelfmark: H/D F200 JUG-66/1609 D
Creator: Simmler, WilhelmBürger, Gottfried AugustHoffmann, Franz
Publication year: [1874]
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: H/S 451700
Creator: Pressensé, Élise de
Publication year: 1889
Place of publication: Calw, Stuttgart
Shelfmark: H/D PRE-67/2932 D
Creator: Moritz, AugustHosemann, Theodor
Publication year: [1853]
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: H/M 165850
Title: Grossvater's Erzählungen
Creator: Zöhrer, Ferdinand
Publication year: [1885]
Place of publication: Wien [u.a.]
Shelfmark: H/4S 298100
Creator: Gruber, Ferdinand JosephVoltz, Johann MichaelHartmann
Publication year: 1824
Place of publication: LeipzigNürnberg
Shelfmark: 19 ZZ 553
Title: Frühlings-Blumen-Kranz für die zarte Jugend in neuen gemüthlichen Erzählungen, Fabeln, Parabeln, frommen Liedern, Kern- und Sitten-Sprüchen gewunden
Creator: Gensicke, Wilhelmine
Publication year: 1822
Place of publication: Meissen
Shelfmark: 53 MA 501373 R
Creator: Schoppe, Amalie
Publication year: 1826
Place of publication: Hamburg
Shelfmark: 53 MA 501525 R
Publication year: 1873
Place of publication: Dresden
Shelfmark: H/D 080 Blu-80/3000 D

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