Results: 99

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Creator: Paul, B.von Pichler, Theodor
Publication year: [1897]
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: H/S 458750
Creator: Andersen, Hans ChristianPedersen, VilhelmKretzschmar, Eduard
Publication year: 1870
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: H/S 113250
Creator: Koch, Rosalie
Publication year: [1857]
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: H/M 114900
Title: Blumen und Perlen
Creator: von Schmid, Christoph
Publication year: [1890]
Place of publication: München
Shelfmark: H/S 492750
Creator: Hermes, Johann Gottfried
Publication year: 1802
Place of publication: Zerbst
Shelfmark: B IX 2, 280 R
Creator: Seiler, Georg Friedrich
Publication year: 1810
Place of publication: ohne Ort
Shelfmark: B XVIII 3b, 922 R
Creator: Gumpert, Thekla vonSeidel, C. F.Bürkner, Hugo
Publication year: [1862]
Place of publication: Glogau
Shelfmark: H/M 102850
Creator: Villinger, Hermine
Publication year: 1900
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: M/D VIL-81/5818 D
Title: Das Blumen-Käuzchen und andere Erzählungen für junge Mädchen
Creator: Gruber, Ferdinand JosephVoltz, Johann MichaelHartmann
Publication year: 1824
Place of publication: LeipzigNürnberg
Shelfmark: 19 ZZ 553
Title: Frühlings-Blumen-Kranz für die zarte Jugend in neuen gemüthlichen Erzählungen, Fabeln, Parabeln, frommen Liedern, Kern- und Sitten-Sprüchen gewunden
Creator: Sydow, Johanna vonRöhling, Carl
Publication year: [1881]
Place of publication: Leipzig [u.a.]
Shelfmark: H/S 511450

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