Results: 170

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Creator: Beumer, Philipp J.
Publication year: [1864]
Place of publication: Wesel
Shelfmark: H/S 28650
Creator: Defoe, Daniel
Publication year: [1860]
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: H/M 43850
Title: Robinson Crusoe's Abenteuer und Schicksale
Creator: Hoffmann, Julius
Publication year: [1860]
Place of publication: Breslau
Shelfmark: H/M 96750
Creator: Simmler, WilhelmBürger, Gottfried AugustHoffmann, Franz
Publication year: [1874]
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: H/S 451700
Title: Des Freiherrn v. Münchhausen Reisen und Abenteuer
Creator: Pressensé, Élise de
Publication year: 1889
Place of publication: Calw, Stuttgart
Shelfmark: H/D PRE-67/2932 D
Creator: Schäfer, WilhelmNitsche, Adolf
Publication year: [1869]
Place of publication: Neu-Ruppin
Shelfmark: H/M 173400
Title: Abenteuer und Reisen.
Creator: Engelmann, Emil
Publication year: 1885
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Shelfmark: H/4D 398.2 ENGn-61/2527 D
Creator: Zimmermann, Johann Georg von
Publication year: 1819
Place of publication: Wien
Shelfmark: H/M 257750
Creator: Mayne, ReidBerger, Otto
Publication year: [ca. 1885]
Place of publication: Reutlingen
Shelfmark: H/S 464650
Creator: Oppel, Karl
Publication year: 1889
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: H/S 15180
Title: Abenteuer des Kapitän Mago

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